This time we will solve a HackerRank problem, rated as a medium in difficulty. It’s advised for you to go through a similar, but in my opinion easier problem described by me previously.
Last time we have covered Text Justification problem, this time we will do something harder. Solution in 5 easy steps!
Dynamic Programming is considered as one of the hardest methods to master, with few examples on the internet. Let’s contribute a little with this post series. Today I will cover the first problem - text justification. Credits: MIT lectures.
In the previous post I’ve described a strange problem related to Cassandra Datastax C# Driver which was happening once in the production environment. It’s time to reveal the mystery.
This post will be about my journey with fixing nasty Cassandra Datastax C# driver problem, which took me a lot more time than expected… Can you guess the problem source?
Do you know the trees used in Cassandra, Git, Bitcoin or Lucene? Check this post to find interesting trees, usually not covered on Computer Science lectures.
What’s faster in C#: setting an array by index or a generic list by index? Are you sure you know the correct answer?