Git can be used from VisualStudio, however it’s like saying you drive a car, when actually you play Need for Speed. Unleash the full power of Git, learn to use it. It’s not that hard.
How to make the same types (by FullName, AssemblyQualifiedName even GUID) but… different by type1==type2?
The dark side of Cassandra.
Recently I’ve designed a mechanism to notify external systems (with which we cooperate) about changes in our system. This, obviously, can be done in multiple ways. Let’s look at some considerations on a high level, some questions and how that affects our requirements.
Today I recommend you following presentation: The Microservices and DevOps Journey
Why? “Microservices” is a buzz-word, created around one year ago, still not popular in Google, but surprisingly popular on conferences: Google Trends: Microservices vs SOA. In my opinion, in this video, a sensible approach of transforming a monolith to a microservices system is presented. KISS architecture. LogStash, consul, Cassandra, Docker, Octopus are cool, however the question is: “Do you really need them?”. Expect nothing super fancy though, I’m just sharing what I agree with.
How many timers are in the .NET Framework? What assumptions do they have? Which timer would you use for implementing Speculative query execution?