Warning: this post won’t be about “boring” or “typical” algorithms from Computer Science which we all have learned on studies (like quick sort, merge sort, xxx sort, A*, FFT). Instead, this will be about other little-known, especially USEFUL algorithms, which people working as professional developers should know or heard of.
This user story is quite simple: there is a guy (me) who likes Star Wars. This guy wants to buy the best tickets available in an IMAX Cinema. The premiere was not so long ago, so a day after the showtimes are updated, the best seats are booked. This guy (also me) is quite lazy, so he doesn’t like to check the showtimes manually.
Hm… let’s do it like pro developers using cutting-edge technologies!
Git is a very powerful, distributed version control system. It’s based on simple concept - directed graph without cycles (a tree) pointing four types of objects in it’s database. I love git and it’s brilliant design. Therefore, when I saw how misused it was in a company which I joined, I’ve had to fix it.
I like to watch a IT related presentations. Those give you a lazy way of grasping the idea of “what’s up” in particular subject. It’s grasping because by watching you won’t learn actual skills, but you will know what exists, where are the dragons hidden and where to look deeper. What’s more, if you are bored, you can always skip some parts or go to next presentation - which is extremely important in our fast-paced business. And most importantly - always learn from the best.
Normally I “live” in .NET environment. That is, my work is usually related to .NET environment and most popular libraries associated with it. Some time ago, I started to work with Cassandra. Google it. Popular. Superb. Advanced. Supreme. Design for speed and resilience. Used by some big players. That sort of impression you will get. Therefore, just few days after meeting Cassandra I’ve had an eye opener.
I’ve planned to start blogging for a quite long time. Now, after seeing Microsoft Live Writer going Open Source I’ve decided to start blogging. Just now. Just like that. Therefore here is my first post ever. I’m planning to publish minimum 1 post per month. Let’s see how that will work. I’m planning to write when I will have time and something (in my opinion) interesting to publish :)