Git can be used from VisualStudio, however it’s like saying you drive a car, when actually you play Need for Speed. Unleash the full power of Git, learn to use it. It’s not that hard.

Git can be used from VisualStudio, however it’s like saying you drive a car, when actually you play Need for Speed. Unleash the full power of Git, learn to use it. It’s not that hard.
This user story is quite simple: there is a guy (me) who likes Star Wars. This guy wants to buy the best tickets available in an IMAX Cinema. The premiere was not so long ago, so a day after the showtimes are updated, the best seats are booked. This guy (also me) is quite lazy, so he doesn’t like to check the showtimes manually.
Hm… let’s do it like pro developers using cutting-edge technologies!