The ultimate cat feeder is done. Watch the demo and see why so many people like it!

The over-engineered cat feeder

I’m truly amazed that my first version of the ultimate cat-feeder “stormed” the Reddit (stormed - at least for my standards). The stats around 24h after publishing just a 2 min demo are:


Without further ado:

Music Credits: Fruits by JayJen Music

You can find more details on the cat feeder (building progress, features, technical details) here - all posts with cat-feeder tag.

Shut up and take my money!

Some people said they would want to buy it. Are you one of them?

First and foremost - the files/software/hardware ARE ALREADY Open Sourced, for free! See STL files just got published and find other details on my blog.


Interested in Cat Feeder updates? Perhaps you are just interested in the finished product? Anyways, feel free to sign up, I'll let you know.

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As mentioned, please find STLs, firmware and software in my other blog posts with tag “cat-feeder”.

Thumbnail image credits:

Please note: the views I express are mine alone and they do not necessarily reflect the views of